hi everyone.....
im so happy to be back after a looooooonnnnnnggggggg busy time away! :) i was ultra busy preparing for the christmas craft fair i participated in and that consumed a lot of my time, then when that was over i wanted to take a break and enjoy the holidays and i sure did but my husband and i were busy with parties and gatherings and all that fun! :) another exciting thing is my husband TOTALLY surprised me this year with a special christmas gift.....a new camera and a DSLR at that....my very first DSLR. i've always wanted one but just never had the money to spare on one. it was a nice surprise and i'm so happy with the quality of my pictures now! :) YAYYYYY
onto other news....this year is going to be very different for me as i have decided to change my business name because my focus isn't just on jewelry anymore.....i make clothing now too and other things that Ezziebell Jewelry just wouldn't be sufficient to keep as my name. i have come up with several names and Ezziebell will not be a part of the new name.....it will be an entirely new name! :)
and lastly.....i won't be working too much with Swarovski....it will be in my creations still, it just wont be pieces that are entirely Swarovski crystal anymore....This is a HUGE change for me as i have since i started making jewelry a few years ago have worked with just swarovski crystal and nothing else! i have decided that i will be working mostly with gemstones! :) i have always been a HUGEEEEE fan of gemstones....i just never knew or tried to work with it! :) gemstones are so natural and natural beauty is what i want to bring out into the world! :)
so here is my debut of gemstones.....a set of 3 bracelets! :)

made of feldspath round gemstones and silver mist gemstones with swarovski crystals and swarovski pearls lightly incorporated into the pieces! :) a set of three STRETCHY bracelets! :)

love3 - feldspath silver mist set
$63 shipped

total L.O.V.E.

i am still learning my new camera so please excuse my pictures! :)
i seriously heart you all.....i hope you all enjoyed your holidays and i hope you all have a fabulous 2012 year! :)
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